Episode #017 — Unveiling Rhythmic Metamorphosis with Lisa & Eva

In today's episode, Melanie talks with Lisa Parente and Eva Kapatos, the dynamic duo behind Rhythmic Metamorphosis, an innovative venture blending music and entrepreneurship. Lisa and Eva share their journey of creating a unique business model that resonates with their passion for music and helps other entrepreneurs find their rhythm.

Listeners will learn about the challenges and triumphs of building a business that's true to one's passions, the importance of collaboration in the creative process, and how music can be a powerful tool in entrepreneurship.

Lisa Parente & Eva Kapatos' Bio

Lisa Parente and Eva Kapatos are the founders of Rhythmic Metamorphosis, a unique platform that combines their love for music with entrepreneurial principles. They are dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs discover their own business rhythm. With a background in music production and business development, they have created a space where music and entrepreneurship harmoniously intersect.

Driven by their shared passion for music and business innovation, Lisa and Eva have developed a range of resources, including a music portal, social media presence, and online workshops, all designed to inspire and guide budding entrepreneurs.

In This Episode...

  • Discover how Lisa and Eva blend music with entrepreneurship in Rhythmic Metamorphosis
  • Learn the importance of staying true to your passions while building a business
  • Find out how collaboration plays a crucial role in creative and business processes
  • Understand how music can be an effective tool for entrepreneurial growth
  • Gain insights into the challenges and successes of running a unique venture

Links & Resources Mentioned…

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Melanie Branch: Hello and welcome to another episode of Trailblazers Rising with me I have two people that I have been stalking following on the internet for quite some time and I'm so happy to meet them in real life face to face they're fantastic they work in energy the same well not the same way I do but fellow energy workers fellow healers I'm so excited to have you on it's Rhythmic Metamorphosis also known as Lisa and Eva.

Say hello y'all hello!

Lisa and Eva: Hi everyone!

Melanie Branch: Yay! So this I'm just telling everybody ahead of time it's going to be a fantastic episode if you are trying to learn about energy work kind of trauma healing trauma identification is what I like to call it because you have to work on your healing on your own but figuring out what your trauma is and where it's stored is you know the first step.

So I'm so excited! To have this episode and to do this and I really manifested this I want you to know so first and foremost we'll dive right in I have some you know businessy kind of questions to ask you and then at the end we'll do a lightning round of the ADHD questions which are fun and a easy peasy lemon squeezy.

So without further ado what sparked your entrepreneurial fire leave out no details we want to know everything my

Lisa and Eva: dad's an immigrant from Greece and has always had his own business or businesses so I think from a child the only thing I've ever wanted to do was That's what made me happy and creative somehow.

So from the time I was little it wasn't until I was an adult that I figured out in this beautiful amazing simulation that we live in we can put all of the things that we love together and you can you can live your life that way

Melanie Branch: so yeah absolutely I'm so glad that you're you come from entrepreneurs.

My dad is also an entrepreneur and I'm just now getting to the realization of I have the PDA flavor of autism persistent drive for autonomy which really just means Don't tell me what to do I got it if I need help I'll ask you but don't don't hinder me and don't try and tell me I'm doing it wrong or anything like that.

Like the first thing that my mom said to my husband when we were dating and she met him she's like so you know you don't tell Mel what to do and he just said oh yeah I know that I figured that one out and we had been dating for like two weeks so you know really the What's the word I'm looking for?

It's an easy one the independence that you're able to have and the authenticity that you're able to embody when you're a entrepreneur is so wonderful and I see you guys doing that on my FYP every single day so Lisa do you want to add to it what sparked your fire

Lisa and Eva: as I was getting into school like trying to figure out what I wanted to study I it was really messy.

I pursued a bunch of different degrees and I just couldn't couldn't find the box and you didn't need to be in a box and I didn't really like working for other people and people telling me what to do so I that's when I knew it was like I'm going to be working for myself and I want to be doing something that.

Passionate about that I really enjoy and really balance

Melanie Branch: that like work and joy oh my God you guys embody that so well too so what I want you to I want you to explain cause you're going to be able to explain it better than I can anybody who's been following me for any length of time especially on a Tik TOK live knows that I am a crazy person about house music.

I love anything with a good beat anything that's going to keep me moving steadily forward and have really cool fun stupid sounds all throughout it that don't really make any sense you know like that it just scratches such a stimming itch for me that I really really love electronic music house especially but what you guys do is like even cooler and more next level explained to everybody listening and watching what you guys do at Rhythmic Metamorphosis.

Lisa and Eva: Yeah so Rhythmic Metamorphosis is a spiritual and healing practice that births from the dance floor.

And we take the the ancient beautiful ancient art of sound healing and apply it to our sound ceremonies which are DJ

Melanie Branch: sets yeah oh my God I love it so much I will also tell you as a millennial I just turned 37 the other day there was a period of time there where I went to a lot of raves but they were at people's houses and they were with a lot of water bottles and certain substances substances that I would never take now because I'm 37 and it would take me nine weeks to recover.

So what you guys do is so incredible and so helpful in the energy healing space because nobody else is really doing it

Lisa and Eva: no no one else is doing it that's why we started honestly about six years ago I started my Journey for teacher training for FEMA yoga teacher and I've been a DJ since 2006 and I couldn't find anyone anyone using sound the way that I heard it in the way that I wanted to apply it.

And at the time it was to my yoga practice so then fast forward I meet Lisa we're teaching at the same studio and we are still in the same so two years ago still in the same place of no one's doing this thing that we have and she was similar ideas too so yeah we we we're hoping collective consciousness you know catches up but right now it's us.

I really love

Melanie Branch: yeah absolutely yeah it's so incredible that you guys have each other because there is you know some of our entrepreneurial journeys maybe not everybody but I have recently partnered up with Christina over at the Neuro Spicy Academy and she's now my business and life partner she knows what she's getting into or maybe she doesn't but she'll find out eventually.

So it's it's such a different game essentially right when you're building a business with somebody else cause it's like okay I have this idea I got to talk it over with you okay I have this idea I got to talk it over with you okay what part of this project are you going to take on what part of this project am I going to take on?

So and what we have found and we've been very fortunate is that her gaps I can fill in with my strengths and and vice versa so like when people talk to us they're like oh my god you guys are like a superhuman together and we're like I know isn't it incredible so when you guys work together What is it that you know one of you excels at and the other one is like thank God you do that because I hate it.

Hmm what do you have to think about well I

Lisa and Eva: do have ADHD so I'm super neurodivergent and I'm a huge big idea person so like my brain needs the time that is like really like in neutral time and that's when I come up with these huge gigantic epiphanies or ideas and then Lisa and I will go over a lot of those together and she'll help me take.

So yeah so like we just have the same thing there's strengths and weaknesses that I definitely the strengths that I have I think that she complements me with her strengths as well so yeah because I'm not detail orientated oriented at all

Melanie Branch: you know so it's funny you should say that I also read I I self identify as ADHD first and then all my other comorbidities fall in line but ADHD is the one that's Lead in the pack.

So I understand exactly what you mean when you're like I get these big ideas when I'm not like thinking I need a big idea and then carrying out the details if anybody listening is on my subscribers list on my website and you get emails from me regularly you know that I'm not going to misspell a there there or there but I'm probably going to miss a period somewhere and the link may not work and I'll have to send a whole nother email with the right link but the messaging is there the messaging is there.

So when on the topic of creativity we know that balancing the creative portion and the strategic side of entrepreneurship is really a juggling act so how do you keep all those balls in the air?

Lisa and Eva: I think we I think we both kind of balance that out I mean we definitely both get like the ideas and like the it's like of inspiration and it's not just us two we definitely have some people that help us too with like the logistical things the strategy of it which is honestly really helpful yeah.

Melanie Branch: Yeah I think that

Lisa and Eva: the I think it's key to know what your strengths and your weaknesses are and to stop trying to make your weaknesses your strengths

Melanie Branch: that

Lisa and Eva: you should find people that that are good at what your weaknesses are you should understand the whole process you don't ever want to be like devoid of knowledge but like when you're like I hate doing that.

Yeah yeah and I'm not good at it there's no point for me wasting my time that way it's a it's I think building a business which when as we started bringing people in it's like what are you good at what can you excel at how can you thrive while we thrive together I think that's the most important thing in the whole world.

But everyone doesn't always love to do but like if you're constantly beating against the wall for no reason like you're not going to go when you first start business you're wearing all the hats like you're running the social media or you're running the emails you're doing and stuff and that's kind of like takes energy out of like.

The meat and potatoes which is like the creation the art of it and that's like as artists like that's where we shine the most so when we had the opportunity to bring people on to do that the other stuff that is still very important we were like ah now we can like this is what really fills us up is the art creation part of it.

Melanie Branch: Yeah absolutely I keep asking myself you know what does millionaire Melanie do you know millionaire Melanie has somebody that has her hair and makeup has you know multiple assistants has coaches that are certified in her Coaching strategies underneath her and all that sort of stuff right so how can I start showing up as that person now?

Okay well I'm gonna contract out bullshit on Fiverr that I don't want to do I don't want to create a fucking logo That's not I don't care about graphic design my heart's not there you know absolutely not no I want to go make TikToks and you know LinkedIn posts which I'm starting to do more regularly but I'm sure it's going to get fun soon.

That's what they keep telling me but you know you really gotta stop beating your head against the wall stop spending any time trying to get better at the stuff that you're not naturally great at and focus as much of your energy on perfecting your craft

Lisa and Eva: I think that that is definitely key here's some things like as a business.

Person like you do have to understand the whole game right because part of being in the business is marketing and other strategic things and like figuring out what that is is important and having to understand it because your whole business is going to be based on that right like you have you can have the most amazing offering but if you don't know how to get it to the people that that it's for and you don't understand you're not going to be able to make any of the pieces.

At any point in time so the broad understanding is important as well so if you read a book for dummies and then contract

Melanie Branch: out yeah absolutely it's like here's the idea but I want you guys to carry it out thank you very much you know I am the creative the creative forest but I don't have to make all of the Instagram posts anymore.

So that brings me to my next question about time management because as a NeuroSpice A person I don't understand time I don't think it's actually real and if anybody would have told me ahead of time that the more fun you're having the faster time's going to go I wouldn't have strived to have so much fun because it's already May.

So how do you guys you have a lot on your on your agenda every single day how do you manage it all do you have any hacks or tips for all of us scaling our businesses

Lisa and Eva: yeah definitely I like when I first started entrepreneurship I was not the best at time management I procrastinated a lot and I had this realization that it was actually a trauma response.

So I had to work through that and get to the wound

Melanie Branch: and after

Lisa and Eva: like I faced that and healed that part of myself I was able to be more goal oriented and cut out parts of my day work for me for filling my cup so that I can pour out that cup and Also not getting too attached to the elephants stand up perfectionist is It comes out and I'm like fixated on like I don't get this done.

Then I Oh wait where did that come from so then you go back into that but definitely just like setting some goals making time for yourself filling up your cup and then pouring out of that cup repeating that cycle over and over again

Melanie Branch: yeah absolutely tell me about a recent win you guys have had.

Ooh look at them they're so in sync if you're only listening and you're not watching it's incredible a

Lisa and Eva: recent win I feel like every day is a

Melanie Branch: win oh my God that's the best answer yes

Lisa and Eva: like we are fulfilling our soul's purpose and our purpose is like is fueled by our passion and that I think that's a win.

Yeah we we took it does feel it feels amazing because we took something and we created it from an idea and now it's here and we are in the middle of some finishing up some pretty exciting projects that have been that also feels like a win too because yeah so we're we're really we we are we're winning every day honestly.

So I think you have to count the small ones too because there's different modes of creation right so there's the mode of creation when you are building a business you have to count all of the small things as wins cause some people are like Oh I'm waiting for my book to be out well our book will be out.

But like every step to get the book out is still a win if you're writing if you're journaling every day like yeah if you're writing something down like you're already writing the book that's it that's a

Melanie Branch: win yeah yeah absolutely and it's so important too I tell my clients and I tell the members of the Neuro Spicy Academy all the time if you can't enjoy today and everything you have right now what makes you think you're going to enjoy anything a year from now?

It's the

Lisa and Eva: whole there's an idea that like once you get to the destination it's going to be what you should celebrate and then you learn it's the journey but the problem also is is that we think the journey gets us to the destination so you have to realize it's just right now that

Melanie Branch: matters the

Lisa and Eva: only moment that matters is this moment right now.

It's not even a journey you're just living inside of a dance and if you can think about that like conceptualize so yeah you do want to get there you do want to enjoy the whole way there but like this moment is the dance and it's actually the yeah the only one that matters so life's a dance we're in a dance floor.

It is

Melanie Branch: I love it I love a dance floor especially when I'm listening to the music you guys make so how often do you guys do a lot of traveling and stuff

Lisa and Eva: we do yeah yeah yeah we do we do

Melanie Branch: we do so tell me about like what do you guys have planned this summer do you get people packed up and hit the road and start playing shows places and whatnot?

Tell me all about it I want to know I'm going to live vicariously through you

Lisa and Eva: so yeah between retreats and shows and smaller ceremonies we do travel quite a bit we were we're going to have a pretty quiet couple of months I think until

Melanie Branch: So yeah

Lisa and Eva: probably until like and at the end of summer yeah I spent some time these next couple of months.

Like we have

Melanie Branch: we have some getting

Lisa and Eva: the projects out producing and then towards the end of the summer we'll start getting out more yeah yeah we haven't announced for this year yeah there's I think there's some staff ceremonies and other places besides Denver that in the making Oh

Melanie Branch: my gosh that's so exciting.

All right everybody so that makes everybody has to go follow them so that you can get first dibs on all of the exciting announcements I love a good announcement I love a good launch don't get me wrong I love all of the exciting dopamine hits that you get creating everything and then I love nothing more than putting a little something on Instagram stories and then like.

Blanket like covering it in hot pink and then giving you a little oh yeah I just I love all that all of that is the most fun part because then once you launch it it's like oh now I have to do the thing okay you're right you're right I just spent all this time getting excited about it and now it's like let me teach you.

Ah that's but when you guys launch something it's way more fun because you're DJs anyways don't get me off topic let's get this train back on the tracks so I'm very excited to be interviewing the both of you because I have not interviewed two people at once yet because this question that I asked people about relationships because we know relationships are everything in entrepreneurship right?

My neurodivergent brain didn't really understand how important or like what networking really is when you are authentic and when you make people uncomfortable because you're authentic because I'm direct I'm no I have no more time on this earth trying to beat around the bush and tell people what I think they want to hear.

I know more that's that's masking and that's emotional manipulation and I'm not here for it so how have you built and maintained strong relationships not only with yourself but with your clients partners your staff all that being authentic and speaking from like a

Lisa and Eva: felt and

heart heartfelt space all the time it's taking down that mask and also opening that space up for vulnerability that's where people build the trust is being vulnerable and sometimes it is uncomfortable

Melanie Branch: every time you're vulnerable it is uncomfortable every time every time yeah I'm an Aquarius moon though.

So I'm not I don't like the emotions I'll feel the emotions by myself in a room somewhere same same person yeah it's it's hard to feel all that in front of people so when you're vulnerable are you vulnerable on your social media yeah absolutely

Lisa and Eva: yeah mm hmm yeah all the time the best thing that you can do is be authentic.

And I mean it was a lesson it just didn't cross my mind I didn't realize I know that it's crazy but you when you're nerd when you are actually neurodivergent you forget that everyone else isn't having that same experience for you so now I I I talk about it regularly to make sure that like there and I ask people what they need now because sometimes.

I'm not going to get that social cue or I'm not going to being direct sometimes and blunt or blurting all of those things happen so I mean even in our relationship it's like okay what do you what do you need for me what what what can I do I need sometimes need a list to make sure that I'm doing those things because they they just aren't something that comes natural.

I guess yeah so I'm being open about that so you can't everyone can expect and it's not just for NeuroDivergent everyone can expect other people to know exactly what they need or what they want so if everyone had that conversation all the time then you'd be able to negotiate I can do that I don't know if I can do that.

I'll try to do that right so and I think if you come from a background of not having your needs met as a child like that's a wound and it can be hard to express that and learn how to express that so that's something that this is a relationship too yeah so speaking of childhood trauma I'm glad

Melanie Branch: you brought it up.

Not me I just got done actually with a call and I was discussing it and

The person I was on the call with it was a member of the Neurospicy Academy and we were talking about like inner child healing and she's like Oh I just started this with my therapist I said Oh that's so great it never ends and she's like why and I said the one thing that I wish everybody understood when you're on you know a self development a personal development a business development a healing journey you guys know as energy workers once you get to that inner child.

And you start working with her or him whoever it is that you have deep inside you and you start meeting that that person's needs it does really shift your reality but at no point does little Melanie or teenage Melanie even because in her teen healing is a real mindfuck do they leave like they don't just get healed and then they're gone.

They're still inside being like I would really like an Oreo you know and then you know current Melanie goes I would really like an Oreo right now too let's do that so on your healing journey what are some of the ways that you other than obviously working with sound and whatnot what have really helped you that you think the people listening or watching would help them too?

I think

Lisa and Eva: recently I started putting a picture of my I think she's four years old it's four year old virgin of me she's in like a little tutu she's on my altar and every day I just go up to my altar and I'm like holy shit look at the life that you're living it's so amazing and like how can I hold space for you today?

Because there's different stages that you go through your life so you are your your baby your inner child and then you reach that inner child or that inner teenager or you are in a teenager that's like rebelling against the inner child and like look at all the things that you went through and like starts to rebel.

And then you get into like your twenties and you're rebelling even more and then you get into your adulthood where you start kind of like getting a little bit more nurturing and parenting the inner child within you and then when you get older you kind of become that elder that like more like wise self or it's like no you know you don't need to parent yourself anymore.

You have the tools you are the source yeah

Melanie Branch: yeah a little picture of yourself I asked

Lisa and Eva: myself when was the first time I'm if I'm having a feeling or emotion comes up I asked myself when was the first time that I felt this way and then so that I know what version of myself to be working with

Melanie Branch: hold on.

I have to process that we can't go to the next thing yet so you say when is the first time I felt that way this

Lisa and Eva: way like where is this coming from you know if I'm feeling a big emotion come through I asked myself where is this coming from so because it's not just right now a big emotion is not it's never just right now right?

It's connected to something so and when and especially when it's like slightly disproportionate to whatever's happening you know a minor convenience or whatever it always is connected to a string of events right so if you can trace it back to someplace where you're like that is this so that's my 12 year old self having a moment right now and I know how to address

Melanie Branch: myself.

So you know I follow a bunch of different therapists on on social media and one of them I saw a video I saved it I'm probably even going to like do it and stitch it because it really rocked rocked me to my core trauma and the trauma you experience and the severity that you experienced is not based on the severity of the event but based on how alone you felt when it happened.

Lisa and Eva: Your perception of what it was a lot of traumas were never as don't get me wrong there are some very big traumas in the world so we're not minimizing it but sometimes when you trace them back it was it's it's your version of yourself didn't have the tools to understand it and the people around you didn't explain it and somehow made it about you and so you were inadequate whether if it's shame or fear Or whatever even a baby being left alone in a crib crying by themselves like that's a but that turns into this huge feeling of being alone.

So yeah it's just most of the time I

Melanie Branch: shouldn't say a lot of the time you're right and you know it's really helpful when you're on this journey it's helpful to understand that when it comes to dealing with other people and their trauma like you know if you felt super alone in your life when your grandma died when you were 14 and the person your friend who was 14 when their grandma died had this fantastic family system and support structure around them it's not going to hold the same weight.

In each of their lives because of who they had and the support they had at the moment that that happened so again this is why we don't compare our traumas and we the only people we compare ourselves to is previous versions of ourselves remember that so I'm only going to compare what Melanie is doing right now to what Melanie was doing 2 years ago 10 years ago however long ago.

And that that helps a lot too so my favorite question to ask people because I am so such an advocate for self care is running a business is stressful we know this we know this everybody knows this because if it weren't stressful everybody would fucking do it so and because of that self care is crucial and self care is more than a pedicure and a massage self care is literally how you're going to treat yourself every single day of your life.

So what are your favorite self care practices to help you feel centered and help you avoid burnout

Lisa and Eva: the practice that we created our offering to the world is something that we both use every single day we'd make my morphosis is this was the practice that we use to heal our trauma it's the practice we still use to to continue to heal and work with our traumas and to embrace every single day.

It's also a it's a ceremony and and and it's a celebration every single day so that I know we that's something that we both do every single day

Melanie Branch: and

Lisa and Eva: that yeah movement music sound singing moving your body moving your moving your body is the most I feel like the most important thing you can possibly do to express yourself and hold space for whatever you're feeling.

I also I think we both start our mornings with our own selves we take every morning we have like a ritual that we both do separately before we decide to do anything work wise I always make sure that my cup is filled up and self care another thing I do for my neurodivergent brain is I have there's always a list of things to do.

I asked myself what I want to do what I'm most excited about doing and and ask for inspiration so I can do that with joy and not so much like a work type of

Melanie Branch: thing so yeah absolutely I

Lisa and Eva: think self care is a form of self love so anything that's going to like make me feel that that's that's what I do.

And obviously like rhythmic metamorphosis is is like the daily practice that I do in the morning and the night like that is that is self love is holding space for myself holding space for yourself is self love so it may not look like movement for everyone sometimes it's just going outside and looking at the sun for.

A five minutes and just looking into that light and reminding yourself that you are that light that is a form of self care a form of self love and that's honestly like the simplest way

Melanie Branch: to self care for yourself I love that and you know a lot of self care stems from what you're giving your energy to and who you're allowing access to your energy because as an entrepreneur one of the rudest awakenings for me and for just about everybody that I talked to is the people that were your friends.

Are no longer your friends and the people that you work with the most your clients your Audience all that sort of stuff really become your friends because they get it and they have similar goals and whatnot and what I always tell people is you know don't ask for directions from somebody who's never been where you're going.

So that really the hard lesson for me was stop sharing my goals with everyone yeah

Lisa and Eva: I think that when you have to be delusional about your success and your dreams meaning that beyond all odds you know your vision is there and you know what you're going to do when you do share that out of excitement sometimes when people don't don't live in that space of believing in themselves or believing anything is possible.

It is one of those things where they can bring up doubt or or just even like play you know like start questioning what you're saying and they want results meaning they don't want to talk about the idea or the energy of the creation of something they're like oh well what did you do already that shows that you prove that you can so and goals are not proof there where you're going towards.

So not everyone has not everyone is living their life with this intention for the better good yeah some people aren't even aware that they're setting an intention like that and that's why it's so important to protect your energy for that

Melanie Branch: solid reason yeah I remember when I was still working at the restaurant that will not be named But sucked five and a half years of my life out of me before I went full time with my business I was in the dessert area like bag it up to go's or whatever the hell it was and this guy Came up to me he was a nice enough dude.

We worked together he's you know 10 years younger than me I've been happily married for 9 million years so his suave sort of Chad exterior never worked on me so I really just like to fuck around with them because of that I'd be like Oh my God how are you but he really underestimated me and I didn't realize how many people at that place were underestimating me.

Because in the beginning my first account on TikTok that got banned at 45 000 followers two months after I quit my job and went full time with my business oh it cuts like a knife had to start over I still had that first account and I was growing it right and he came up to me and he's like so Melanie how's that little what is it you're doing now?

YouTube how's it coming along and I said you mean TikTok and he was like oh yeah and I was like well I have 25 000 followers he's like what I said yeah and what suck on that Chad walk the fuck away what are we talking about and it was in that moment that like my spear guides were very clear of me.

And they said listen stop telling people your shit nobody wants you to succeed I think

Lisa and Eva: that it's not the way that I like to view it view it as that they're not succeeding or they're not fulfilling their dreams or they don't even know that that's what they're doing so they don't love their life so more than anything that that's going to be a mirror for them.

To show them that and that people don't like and that's going to be reflected right back to about how they feel about themselves instead of actually so there's a lot about how they talk to themselves yes

Melanie Branch: huh everybody is just projecting their own shit onto you everyone is just perceiving themselves and hoping that you don't see there's it on their face.

And it's like nobody is looking at you that close as you're look nobody's thinking about it like what I always tell people too when you go home from a party and you are raking yourself over the coals about all the stupid shit you said I can't believe I said I can't believe I did it oh the person you were talking to went home and did the same thing but about themselves.

Yeah nobody nobody's replaying what you said in their brain over and over again cause nobody cares about you that much yeah no one's

Lisa and Eva: remembering like that people remember how you make them feel yeah so so that would be So unless you made somebody feel really really bad They're gonna remember that so not what you said about yourself or like if you yeah it was a dance move or I don't know.

You have to be pretty weird repeatedly and awkward over and over again I think before people are talking to you or talking about you at home

Melanie Branch: absolutely absolutely so has that mindset really helped you guys when it comes to social media because I imagine a huge portion of you grow in your business is social media.

Yeah definitely what do you say to the haters when they get in your comments or are you guys so good at what you do that haters don't even get seen that they don't see your stuff on their FYP

Lisa and Eva: just laugh anytime I get on there anytime I get on social media like I I set up my my energetic bubble and I'm like there's always going to be something.

And the more that you start to grow the more that there is yeah cause you're you're more vulnerable you're more open to that yeah and honestly if somebody points something out that like that really gets under your skin for just a moment asking yourself why it bothers you is really important right?

Like why did that why did he say why did what he or she or they said got under my skin if you know who you are and you're being authentic like who cares there's no we are not everyone's not us and that's an amazing thing right like if everyone was us why would the world be boring so there's going to be someone that's going to say something and you know let them say it.

Keep on moving I'm going to say yeah for me I'm like thank you like I now I'm aware of something that I wasn't before you triggered you shake you show something up within me and I think of triggers as seeds for trees like they trigger you and now you can grow from that

Melanie Branch: yeah I like to remind myself too happy people don't argue with strangers on the internet.

There you

Lisa and Eva: go I don't even think about it honestly like if there's somebody says something I

Melanie Branch: just like literally like laugh it's

Lisa and Eva: like okay is there yeah that's their stuff okay cool yeah

Melanie Branch: absolutely yay all right before we get into the lightning round of the fun neurodivergent questions I'm going to ask you to plug your spot.

Tell everybody where to follow you where to find you all that stuff

Lisa and Eva: on Instagram where are I'm awakening soundcloud if you'd like to listen to our music we're rhythmic metamorphosis Tik TOK rhythmic metamorphosis if you're interested in starting your morning or ending your day with some self love some self care you can do regular metamorphosis online with us at regular metamorphosis online.

And we do have an upcoming course coming out for breakups so get through and heal through a breakup in a way that makes you feel like you're at a rave

Melanie Branch: you know it's amazing that we're talking about this today on the lunar eclipse in Scorpio this will obviously come out after that but you know really dredging up the old shit that no longer gets to move forward into the future with us.

So helping people through breakups is fantastic because especially as we get older I've been married for 9 million years to my wonderful husband he's right over there on the couch oh he's somewhere I don't know where he is he's here though so I haven't experienced a romantic breakup in a long time obviously but I have broken up with some fucking friends and it has really shattered me in ways that I didn't expect it to and it was a lot longer of a healing process than I.

Was prepared for or a thought I was going to have to deal with so it's funny too the more you're in a healing space or a spiritual journey or any of those things you know personal development professional development all that the most random of things really cut like a knife yeah you

Lisa and Eva: do when you start growing and changing a lot when you are already on a healing journey.

A lot of people will fall away they're no longer going to be a part of your journey and that's that can be very difficult especially in the beginning right because you're not only changing yourself but then your whole world is changing but that's the universe saying level up yeah like level up it's like you can't stay in the same place and do the same and do something completely different.

Everything changes when you change and when you're healing you're also breaking up with old parts of yourself that takes you through the stages too

Melanie Branch: yeah absolutely it's like when you're moving forward and somebody explained it to me once of you know if you're used to carrying around two suitcases in each arm at like one in each hand one under each arm and a hat box on your head and you're used to walking down the street like that people are going to look and be like holy shit look what she can do.

That's incredible but it doesn't mean you need to keep carrying all that baggage you know so we're as much as I would love for everybody to just drop all of it and start running there's going to be steps to what feels the most comfortable and we know growth happens when you're uncomfortable but we also know that you need rest for growth.

You know if you go to the gym and you're lifting weights you have to incorporate rest so those muscles can grow and recover and stuff so you know we got to think about okay just let this thing go and see what happens let this thing go and see because you can move a lot faster and a lot more targeted if you're not carrying a bunch of old shit.

You can

Lisa and Eva: grow up with pain and pleasure not just pain

Melanie Branch: just pleasure I love that you said that do you have Scorpio placements in your birth chart

Lisa and Eva: scorpio rising

Melanie Branch: yeah so I'm a Taurus rising so you're feeling it I'm feeling it you're feeling it this fucking

Lisa and Eva: eclipse season this

Melanie Branch: eclipse season I tell you what I'm so glad I know astrology and I follow astrology and I use astrology because it was the one thing that that and understanding my neurodivergent brain was like okay.

Okay so it's not just me and I'm not the cause of all of this I'm the one that you know I'm just in the the washing cycle right now I just have to hold my breath and and keep keep it together

Lisa and Eva: yeah it was just water oh well well that's how you don't that's how I relate to the different things that we're affected.

But yeah I haven't got any son too so it was it started in in my second too

Melanie Branch: yeah yeah I get it I get it I'm a I'm a Taurus sun Aquarius moon Taurus rising so I am very fixed I am a trailblazer that's the reason that the name of the podcast is trailblazers rising anybody can hop on as long as they're going the same exact direction.

I'm going I'm happy to lead but I'm not going to deviate from my path and I can create the path I'm happy to do that it's amazing it

Lisa and Eva: makes

Melanie Branch: a lot of sense all right are you ready for the lightning round of fun questions all right now these are just don't overthink them right just stream of consciousness.

First and foremost what's your favorite social media platform tikTok tikTok duh I've only had one person say Instagram everybody else said TikTok all right second question this is my favorite one what is the most recent rabbit hole you've gone down should I I love this conspiracy

Lisa and Eva: theories I'm always down a rabbit hole for conspiracy theories of some sort so.

Melanie Branch: They had to originate somewhere

Lisa and Eva: that and like historic history conspiracy theories I love that like if you can talk about like where Atlantis or I honestly don't know.

Melanie Branch: What's the weirdest thing you've looked up lately other than like what the actor's name is cause we all look those up

Lisa and Eva: okay so I guess I was trying to find the origin of the word history and his story and this is your story like someone else's story the story that

Melanie Branch: is it's like yeah that's a good rabbit hole.

That's I've been down that route I got down that rabbit hole 20 years ago so come on keep up no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding all right

Lisa and Eva: when did you find out

Melanie Branch: well you know what actually started that rabbit hole for me was the movie the Brady Bunch from the nineties and when Greg was walking through the parking lot at high school and he said oh you're going to history huh?

And she was like Not history Herstory! It's and it was like a total like sexism thing which was like big in the 90s and surprisingly it didn't make more fucking headway but whatever we can do that now so I remember being like Oh my god it is his story! Ah I hate the world! So yeah looks that up.

Probably before there was a Google don't I'm 37 I'm 28 I don't know all right next question what are your emotional support shows so like what do you turn on when you can't sleep and you want to fall asleep or what do you turn on when you're not ready emotionally to take on a new show we

Lisa and Eva: both watched pretty much like no TV for a very long time though.

My show was new girl

Melanie Branch: I knew you were going to say that when I didn't watch TV

Lisa and Eva: new girl new girl was it for me and

Melanie Branch: vampire diaries I want to get into vampire diaries I just haven't yet something's holding me back I rewatched that

Lisa and Eva: series probably like five times

Melanie Branch: really you know now I just watch the Salvatore Brothers movie.

Oh yeah nice to meet you damon man

Lisa and Eva: yeah I was Damon I was team Damon

Melanie Branch: yeah good to know good to know all right fourth question have you consumed any water today and do you want to share your emotional support cup with everyone right here ginger water ginger water fancy I like it good for digestion.

Lisa and Eva: I have some some Celtic sea salts in my water because I really low potassium so

Melanie Branch: yeah we can talk supplements after this don't you worry we can talk supplements that is my special interest one of them all right last question what is your current dopamine snack slash meal like what can you not get enough of right now?


Lisa and Eva: yeah chocolate dark chocolate and it's got the I forget what the brand is called but it's made from like the whole cacao fruit so they use the shell they use the they use the powder they use the sugar they use everything and it's so delicious it's like soft to the inside and has some hazelnut in it.

That's been my fix mama what is mama something I have one of those honey mamas too chocolate yeah so good so good I think I just got like a cardamom cardamom cinnamon chocolate they're just like almost like fudge is like the consistency but they're so amazing and so like so fresh it's not all the extra additives.

So yeah so good

Melanie Branch: so good oh we love that I love that yay mine are boring mine are just Oreos and cheese toast cheese toast cheese toast so funny story I was not allowed to make grilled cheeses growing up because I'm forgetful and I would forget that I had a grilled cheese on the stove and it would always turn into a dangerous nightmare.

So we had toaster ovens so that I could put cheese on a piece of bread and put it in the toaster oven and then the little timer you can't you can't forget about it in the toaster because the timer goes off and everything so I don't make grilled cheeses I make cheese toast I like that

Lisa and Eva: yeah yeah.

Melanie Branch: We'll

Lisa and Eva: have a good grilled cheese on there

Melanie Branch: I do too but even to this day I burned one side of it because I'm like la la la and I go somewhere else and I come back and it's always too late so you got to understand your weaknesses and just hire contract out right there so I want to thank you beautiful angels for being on the podcast and I will continue stalking you on social media.

I'm so glad we're mutuals yay

Lisa and Eva: so beautiful thank you for having us thank you so much it was

Melanie Branch: so much fun all right everybody go check them out and I love you all equally and for different reasons okay bye.

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As a magical speaker, author, and coach, I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full potential, embrace their neurodivergent superpowers, and create a life that sparkles with magic. With years of experience navigating the business world as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges that can arise when trying to manage burnout, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm.

As an event manager or podcast host, I understand that you're looking for speakers who not only have the authority and experience to provide value to your audience, but also the empathy and understanding to meet them where they are. That's why I'm here to offer my practical, holistic approach to self-care and success, as well as my passion for creating transformational experiences that leave your audience feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take action.

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