Episode #023 — Empowering Your Authentic Self with Kelly Rompel

In today's episode, Melanie talks with Kelly Rompel, a powerhouse in the realms of genetics and personal coaching. Kelly shares her journey from the scientific world of genetics to becoming a coach dedicated to helping individuals unlock their true potential. With a unique blend of expertise in both science and personal development, Kelly offers insights into how understanding our genetic makeup can empower us to live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

Listeners will explore the intersection of genetics and mindset, discover how to embrace their authentic selves, and learn practical strategies for overcoming obstacles to personal growth. Kelly's story is a testament to the power of combining scientific knowledge with a passion for helping others achieve their best selves.

Kelly Rompel's Bio

Kelly Rompel is a scientist, entrepreneur, and coach who founded Wild Roots Genetics, a company dedicated to unlocking the potential within our genetic makeup. With her background in genetics and a passion for personal development, Kelly has carved a unique niche in the coaching world. Through her platforms on Facebook and TikTok, Kelly reaches a wide audience, sharing her insights on how to live authentically and embrace one's true self. Her work centers on the belief that understanding our genetics can lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves, enabling personal and professional growth.

In This Episode...

  • How genetics can influence our personal development journey
  • The importance of embracing our authentic selves for true fulfillment
  • Strategies for overcoming common obstacles to personal growth
  • Kelly Rompel's transition from scientist to empowering coach
  • Practical tips for integrating scientific understanding with personal development goals

Links & Resources Mentioned…

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Melanie Branch: Hello and welcome to another episode of Trailblazers Rising I'm so excited to bring you my guest today I have been following her on social media TikTok and Instagram to be specific for a while now and we are mutual so ha ha we're friends you're not but you can be don't you worry and she is a wonder in the world of you know holistic and functional approaches and medicine.

And I won't butcher what it is that she does but everybody say hi to Kelly Rumpel kelly say hi to everybody the rebel white coat herself

Kelly Rompel: hello this is going to be fun I'm excited thanks for having me you are so

Melanie Branch: welcome so I'm gonna ask you the first question that I ask every single guest on this show and that is what sparked your entrepreneurial fire?

Was there like a moment in time where you said I can't do this anymore I got to do my own thing

Kelly Rompel: yeah I cannot stand sitting still behind a desk with all the rules I just I can't plus I just felt so unfulfilled behind a pharmacy counter and I just it didn't Hmm it didn't fulfill me I couldn't do it anymore and I needed out.

So having my own business has has brought me the freedom that I've wanted for so long

Melanie Branch: the freedom it is so real literally I I now understand why we gravitate towards other neurospices you know whether we are diagnosed or not because we have that similar desire of I'm driven from inside and I will ask questions if I don't know the answer to the thing that I'm going after but please don't tell me What I need to go after and what I'm supposed to do.

If I hear one more person say well you should have you're supposed to it's like I hear if you're not in my brain you don't get to tell me those things

Kelly Rompel: amen agreed

Melanie Branch: amen sister so one of the biggest challenges that I face my clients face and all of the members of the neuro spicy Academy face as ADHD years especially is striking that balance.

between the creative side of entrepreneurship and the strategic side i e the boring ship it's a real juggling act do you have tips or tricks for how you balance those and find the harmony in it

Kelly Rompel: oh man yeah so for me what's worked really well is pairing the boring stuff with the fun stuff stuff I like to do and also rewarding myself for getting the boring tasks done.

And I when I have to sit down and do the things I don't want to do I remind myself just get through this little thing this one task just get through it and then you can go outside and have a nice walk or you can go do this or you can go have a pedicure or what whatever it is I like to reward myself for doing the things like a kid.

I reward myself for doing the things that I don't want to do also when you get to a part in your business where you can delegate that's magical so for me it's been really great I hired somebody that has been a godsend for my business a few months ago and that delegation and that unloading of some of the things that I don't like to do has been amazing for me.

Melanie Branch: That is so I'm so glad that you said that I literally just got done making a piece of content for my social media about there's a difference between growing your business and scaling your business and so often I hear people using those terms interchangeably and while it is my belief and the belief of the NeuroSpicy Academy that we should build businesses that can scale.

Right so from day one you want to make sure you have you know SOPs in place so that when it comes time to you know really expand and scale your reach everything's ready to go but growing your business is different right so getting starting to build that team that is growth that is your ability to now.

Do more things that you like to do I like to envision you know what does millionaire Melanie do she does not spend time cleaning toilets she does not spend time loading and unloading the dishwasher she does not spend time with people that do not make her super duper happy and she's not easily booked.

Like I I my schedule is paramount and if you ever say hey do you want to come do this the first thing you're going to hear me say is let me check my calendar so when it comes to having an assistant you know virtual executive it doesn't matter who they are what are some of your favorite things to delegate?

And were there any unforeseen challenges in getting a assistant and assistant because I know a lot of my clients go wait what they need me to tell them how to do all this it's like yeah it's your business you got to tell them how to do it the way you want them to do it

Kelly Rompel: yeah so I think one of the best parts about having somebody on my team now is it forces me to get organized you know back when it was just me I would just get through all the tasks in my own way no organization you know and so now that I've got somebody on my team it forces organization otherwise the wheels are going to fall off.

So that's one of my favorite parts about having somebody and she actually helps me create a lot of these things that we need to stay organized you know in Google docs and all this stuff I don't want to do like that's just not my my area of expertise so I love that I have her to help me with that but what I love the most about the person that I hired and I have been through a few people in order to find this amazing soul but I I guess I want to put it out there that we shouldn't.

We shouldn't settle and we can find somebody who fits our business perfectly so right now I actually have a dietician who's working on my team but she also helps me with the social media side of things that I don't necessarily love like I can create the content but I don't like to sit there and multipurpose it and put it on all these platforms.

And I don't like to be back in in the you know in Google docs organizing everything so she has been amazing far as not only serving our clients but also helping me on the back end so I'm super grateful for her that's

Melanie Branch: so good you know I think about so the whole reason that there are unpaid interns out in the world is because all of the super duper rich people got together and said Hey you know my 18 year old doesn't need money cause the trust fund but they do need work experience.

Can you have them come work for you for free hence the intern right so what I think about when it comes to as an entrepreneur you know we charge hundreds hundreds of dollars an hour for our services as coaches or you know whatever it is you do why would somebody want to work for me and do the grunt work for 20 or 30 an hour or whatever you pay the person?

And I remind myself that everybody's gotta start somewhere everyone benefits tremendously from a mentor and like you said finding the people that are aligned right that aren't gonna hate the job that they have to go to working for you but are gonna be like I'm so excited to go work for this person and learn all this is so I

Kelly Rompel: can't see you now I'm

Melanie Branch: totally fine.


Kelly Rompel: Yeah for me what's worked the best is creating a calendar where I do certain things on certain days and it took me a while my back okay what's worked best for me is creating a calendar where I do certain things on certain days so I have 1 day where I see all my clients I have 1 day where I create content.

I have another day where I do podcasting and so that's an even working in days of time off there's gotta be blocks of time off and I've learned that the hard way we've talked about that Melanie but it's really important for me to kind of that's how I stay organized as I have certain days for certain things.

And so for me that's why time management or why I've been able to manage my time a little bit better here recently.

Melanie Branch: Yeah.

Kelly Rompel: Okay.

Right well and for me the charger is sunshine and nature so I know that if I'm going to have a big day a packed day I I know that in the middle of that day somewhere I got to take a walk I got to get out and luckily the weather has gotten better recently to where I can do that but that's been really really helpful for me is making sure I do take that break in the middle of the day and I can always come back to a task but I need a little sunshine.

Yep yeah,

Melanie Branch: exactly

Kelly Rompel: yeah I know by the time my kids get home from school it's pretty much over.

Yeah eight six and four so it's a wild around here after school and and speaking of we're heading into summer so I I've had to really wrap my mind around the fact that I'm just going to have to be okay with a new schedule here in about a week and things are going to have to slow down in my business and that's okay but I and I want to enjoy my kids this summer.

And I had a lot of fear around that a few months ago like gosh how am I going to deal this summer with having 3 little ones at home and trying to run a business and still keep my sanity and I just had to finally wrap my mind around the fact that it's okay that my business is going to have to slow down for a couple months.

There's nothing wrong with that I only have so many summers with these kiddos.

Yes I yeah I do need some I'm glad you mentioned that.


Melanie Branch: Oh nice yeah.

Kelly Rompel: So it gives me so much hope I'm so glad you said that because this is really like my first summer with them home up until this point they've gone they've done the camp thing or I had to get them daycare or something right and so this summer and that's one of the reasons I think I was so on edge about it because it's a little bit of the unknown of like how's it going to be but I've decided to change the narrative and quit being fearful about how is it going to be and just decide to freaking enjoy.

Oh I need to look into that

Melanie Branch: right.

Kelly Rompel: Right they do and they actually are very aware even for their ages they know if my office door is shut they are pretty good with boundaries I've taught them that over the past couple of years as far as like mom's got to work and my kids God love them they have to know why they have to get they need to know all the details.

So I have to explain to them you have to let me work so I can make the money so we can like go get the ice cream and do the fun activities and do the vacations and stuff like that you have to let me win so when I tell when I explain it like that they understand and they give me a little bit more space.

So yes I'm lucky as far as that goes but that took some time to teach.

Melanie Branch: Really huh?


right it's wild.

Kelly Rompel: I'll just leave it at that constant chaos but yeah never boring never boring I've always I always kind of thought like the people the people with the four kids cause they always say like you know the two they can pair up and play together and with three they get a little jealous like I have two girls and a boy.

And so there's a lot of like you know the boy's the youngest so there's a lot of like he wants to play with me not you you know and that kind of stuff I'm like oh gosh jealousy.

Melanie Branch: Yeah there we go yeah that's fun.

Kelly Rompel: Oh a recent win gosh I've had a lot of recent wins with with clients and great success so that that's 1 thing and I always I always expect that right and so I work really hard towards that so that's really important for me but I would say a different win besides client wins would definitely be hiring.

Like the perfect fit for for my business that's that's my biggest win right now that I'm focusing on because I'm super grateful you know it's funny about hiring her we were actually friends on on tick tock before I hired her it was really cool I put a post out saying I'm hiring and she applied right away and I knew immediately who she was.

And I was like I'm like we're friends on Tik TOK oh my gosh and it just ended up being a really perfect fit since we knew each other's content already so I just yeah that's my that's my biggest win so far right now.

Yeah so I like to do genetic testing and advanced functional labs for my clients to help them get to an underlying root cause of what's contributing to their symptoms so kind of a walking contradiction being a pharmacist turned a functional medicine consultant who helps people avoid meds if that's their choice.

So we've taken a natural approach and by getting to root cause and so I do you know Like I said combination of different tests and when someone works with me We do a lot of different tests and we're really getting to underlying root causes that are Like nervous system dysregulation gut health issues like you said hormone imbalances toxicities like heavy metal toxicities vitamin and mineral deficiencies and also genetics because that's important to know if genetics play a role in the symptoms that we're experiencing.

So I work mainly with ADHD anxiety but along with that always comes hormone imbalances cortisol dysregulation a nervous system dysregulation gut health issues because it all goes hand in hand

Melanie Branch: yeah,

yes absolutely.


Kelly Rompel: okay.


Yeah so when I work with somebody I always like I said like to do genetic testing to look further into MTHFR but really even bigger than MTHFR I look at methylation in general so MTHFR is It's you know it's it's kind of trending right now and it's it's getting a lot of attention but what I want to remind people that it's only one gene in all of methylation.

So I would like people to focus less on on just MTHFR and more on methylation in general and there's many genes that go into that so MTHFR really kicks off the methylation cycle and you're right we need to support that gene with B vitamins that's super super important but also methylation plays a huge role in inflammation detoxification.

hormone balance neurotransmitter production and balance so it's a big deal and so for a lot of my clients I do see less ideal MTHFR genes but that's another reason I also run labs because I've seen plenty of clients with suboptimal MTHFR genes yes their methylation is fabulous on the labs and then I've seen people with optimal in THFR and their methylation Sucks and it's because those genetics are not being supported.

So I honestly don't care what genetics you have I do I don't mean to say it like that but I care more about how we're supporting the genes than anything else But methylation it is a big deal for for many areas so super important that we're making sure that we're supporting detoxification and living a low toxin lifestyle.

If we're somebody who's got suboptimal MTHFR genes that's a really big deal and also I see Candida and yeast overgrowth and so many of my clients and that actually slows methylation even further so when you slow it even further you're going to have more issues with neurotransmitter production and balance.

So dopamine serotonin norepinephrine GABA all these things that keep us focused calm you know happy they rely on methylation as well as many other things but it's so important that we do know what our genetics are so we can support them accordingly.

Melanie Branch: Silence silence.


Kelly Rompel: In your home I we can't do a whole lot about the grossness of our environment but you know clean water I I personally love reverse osmosis with hydrogen you know attachment to that to put hydrogen into the water no candles no perfumes air purifier dusting vacuuming often you know dust is one of the worst toxins out there in our home.

You know letting the fresh air in when we can I've got the windows open right now it's that beautiful time of year where we can do that but even looking at how toxic your makeup is and I don't want people to think that they have to overhaul their life all at once it's been a slow progress for me too as far as implementing.

Lower toxin things into my into my life so I you know when I was done with my detergent I switched to a cleaner 1 like Molly suds I really like that 1 and when I was done with my makeup I switched to other makeup brands like 100 percent pure to some really great brands marriage these are all cleaner brands.

I don't use dryer sheets anymore I like to do use dryer balls with essential oil if anything at all if it even needs it and yeah just things like that looking just looking around your house and saying what can I get rid of that's that's a sense just like you said scented things are 1 of the plastics.

That's another thing not storing food and plastics getting rid of all the switch to glass you guys I run I run labs on my clients I can't tell you how plastic overloaded people are it's so sad and it's causing so much oxidative damage which makes our symptoms worse so just yeah looking around the house and starting there oh I have to add to that but also supporting your body's ability.

To detoxify so I think we need to talk about ways to to help support our bodies because when I run genetics on a lot of my clients lo and behold not surprising that a lot of us have a lowered capability to detoxify and so meaning that we're going to be more likely to hold on to heavy metals and environmental toxins and plastics and things like that.

And so oh sorry aDHD brand I have a brain I have to tell you there's a study that was done and just as an example there's a study that was done that showed that brand new babies right when they're born they already have almost 300 chemicals and they're in the umbilical cord it's wild when people tell me toxin overload is not a thing.

And we have a liver and kidneys for a reason I'm like you don't understand we're all born with so many toxins and chemicals already and then we want to add on the vaccines and all the environmental stuff it just it it accumulates over time and like I said genetics play a role here so really helping to support our body in helping to detoxify.

So ways that we can do that making sure always that we have lots of antioxidants so that comes in the form of fruits vegetables bright color food right real food I love taking liposomal glutathione every single day that's really supportive to us yeah,

that's a

lot more fancy I kind of like it so yes I keep mine it's right here right like an arm's distance on my desk I take it every single day I love it but also I have a sauna I I I invested in the sauna this past year and that's amazing for detoxification because sweating is so good for us but also Epson salt baths.

And you can you can do Epson salt bath and throw some bit night clay in there that's a great way to detoxify wild blueberries in your smoothie or chlorella and your spooly in your smoothie as well so there's a lot of ways that you can promote detox but it's really important and I think this is one of the biggest issues because it's causing so much cell damage and oxidative damage and oxidative stress.

And people don't realize that's directly connected to mental health disorders.

Yes 100 percent agree with that and you'll find I don't know if this is true for you but it was for me when I stopped using deodorant I was I had a less of a need for deodorant but then also I was doing other things in my lifestyle too like you know smoothies and you know Epsom salt baths and saunas and things to help get rid of these toxins.

But when you're not as toxin overloaded you don't have a problem with with the smell as much.

Melanie Branch: Yep.


Kelly Rompel: right.

You're right.

Yeah literally

Melanie Branch: yep.

Kelly Rompel: I know and I don't I think that people forget how overworked or they don't know they don't know how overworked our liver is you've got to think about our world how it's so toxin overloaded you guys we can't step outside without breathing in everything they're spraying in the air and eating the press.

I mean unless you are never outside you live inside and eat nothing but organic fruits and vegetables and you don't use any products whatsoever and good for you but like that's not realistic and we live in a toxic world with a lot of nasty shit and so we've got to support our liver most definitely because over time it can get sluggish.

And the liver has so many roles it plays so many roles you guys between detoxification to hormone balance and cholesterol and it just has a lot of jobs and so so as much support as you can give it you know the better it's really important.

Melanie Branch: Hello all right.

Kelly Rompel: Yeah and I agree I love that you mentioned the protein and right in sleep is huge for us but going back to the protein especially in the morning I have found to be so helpful for not only myself but for a lot of my clients and we can do this in a very simple way like a really amazing protein smoothie first thing in the morning.

For me I like to do a scoop of protein powder some Greek yogurt for some more protein some almond butter half of an avocado some fruits chia seeds like It's balanced and it is nice and chock full of healthy fats and carbs and protein and hell yes that is how I get my day started most mornings and I've even seen what I'm seeing with my kids.

One in particular was struggling in school with focus for a hot minute there and it just it crushed my soul because you know this is what I do is help people with focus and I once I switched her breakfast to a very protein high protein Breakfast that made a world of difference so we all know protein is important but for us 80 aged years we really need to get a lot of protein.

1st thing in the morning to help us with our you know dopamine production throughout the day yep,

Melanie Branch: absolutely.


Mm hmm.


Silence silence

Kelly Rompel: silence.

Yeah I agreed and I and I love that you touched on the ups and downs and what you're referring to right is the ups and downs of blood sugar and I see dysregulated blood sugar and so many of my clients and it's those ups and downs that then off the Often lead to you know our mood swings and our difficulty with focus but then also over time those drastic ups and downs.

I mean that can lead to insulin resistance as well so it's really important that we keep those sugars stable and one of the easiest ways to do that is making sure you are getting lots of fiber protein and healthy fats and with with each meal you can have the Oreos no one's telling you you can't it's just that like maybe you could like grab a handful of.

Carrots first and then have an Oreo right give it a little bit of something so that blood sugar doesn't like surge sky high so that's that's one of my my tri trips ti ti

Melanie Branch: tick

Kelly Rompel: What am I saying tricks and tips holy shit yeah we need to I know I know we need to get it eventually.

Yeah yes.

Melanie Branch: Yeah.


Kelly Rompel: And this is why we take a personalized approach everyone is so different everyone is Truthfully I mean we have a lot of the same I see a lot of the same things with clients right a lot of like we talked about gut issues nervous system dysregulation hormone issues a lot of heavy metal taxes I see a lot of the same things.

But as far as the approach that you take I It can really vary per person based off what what do we need to tackle 1st right and so yes it takes a personalized approach but yeah dealing with constipation is really important you know I was getting ready to say ladies it's really important for our hormones but it's important for everybody for detoxification but.

If you are somebody who is dealing with hormone issues and estrogen dominant symptoms like heavy periods PMS breast tenderness things like that moodiness you've got to support your liver and improve your gut health in order to help detoxify those excess hormones and you can do that through eating raw carrots supporting your liver with glutathione and eating cruciferous vegetables and broccoli.


Okay okay.

Yeah and there's a huge difference between western medicine and a functional approach I mean we're talking 2 different things and like you said I'm not dog in western medicine I'm a licensed pharmacist I came from that side so I see and respect both sides however it's a different approach so when you go to the doctor and you rattle off your symptoms they are taking what you're saying.

Yeah grouping the symptoms together and throwing a label at it which is your diagnosis so I'm not saying that doesn't matter I'm just saying that like that's the approach and then with a diagnosis we use it's usually you treat the symptoms pill for an ill type mentality and whether that approach is perfect for some people that's what they're looking for.

And that works for them great other people are tired of band aiding their symptoms and really just managing symptoms they want to get to underlying root cause and that's the difference between functional medicine is we're running different types of labs we're looking for things that Western medicine doesn't even consider to be an issue.

If you go in and tell your doctor I think I'm toxin overloaded or if there's heavy metals they're going to giggle they don't like that's something they were taught that's not something that's looked at and I if I really wish in most Western medicine that your OB was talking to your GI and your GI was talking to your psych and and all these all these people were communicating because that's in my mind that's the approach that works is looking at the body as a whole and that's what functional medicine does.

It looks at as as a whole and wants to get to 1 underlying root cause so you can actually correct it instead of treating the symptoms so 2 totally different things.

Melanie Branch: Mm hmm silence silence silence.



Kelly Rompel: provided by Transcription Outsourcing LLC silence silence yes I love that you brought that up.

Cause I actually had a lot of guilt around this in the beginning you know I thought Oh I'm an entrepreneur I'm a businesswoman I need to like get up super early and and get in that office before anybody else wakes up and get to work and I was going to yoga I was getting up at four 30 in the morning going to yoga at five 15.

And by one o'clock in the afternoon I was as zombie my body hated it it didn't go along with my natural rhythms now I get up at seven when my kids get up we get ready for school we do the morning things and then after I drop them off at school I go straight to the gym that's what works best for me.

About an hour hour and a half after I wake up I'm in the gym I work out for only 25 to 30 minutes because I don't like to work out for very long and then you know I leave and I go home and then that's when I start my day but when I started that routine I loved it I loved it for my energy levels but I still had that guilt around.

Well I'm not getting to work till 930 10 o'clock in the morning and I'm like this isn't good this isn't good for productivity but then I realized I have to take care of my body and to me that means going to the gym that's what works for me that's one of the best ways that I get my dopamine for the day and I keep my sanity.

I need it and so for me to take care of my body first thing in the morning when it works for me great but it took me a ways to to realize that 5 15 was not my ideal time in the morning to get going way too early for me.

Am I frozen Melanie?

Can you hear me now?

Yes it has been wild with this energy you probably can't hear me but it's.

Melanie Branch: Okay okay.


okay okay can you hear me now okay okay okay I tell you what the powers that be the powers that be all right what were we

Kelly Rompel: talking about we were talking about the schedule this daily schedule how I was working out not first thing in the morning but I finished my thought we're all good

Melanie Branch: yeah so just to finish that thought working out is Something that A is very important B if we can take on the mindset of I want to move my body and be strong that has really helped me so it's not I want to lose weight or I want to do this it's like I want to be able to move my body and be strong and now that I know about my hypermobility I understand that I can't push myself the way that I used to push myself 5 or 10 years ago.

You know so it's like all right well I have to be careful with how I move my body and whatnot and like I've even started seeing stuff come across my FYP about like sleeping tools for those of us with Ehlers Danlos hypermobility to like keep things in place and to not have things fall asleep in the middle of the night and whatnot you know.

How many times do you wake up and your entire arm is pins and needles because you've been sleeping in this weird position so you know it's so important yeah!

Kelly Rompel: Gosh like why first of all it's not comfortable for my wrist I sleep like this and it's not comfortable for my chin and I basically choke myself.

Like why do I do that why can't I just sleep with my hands like not in not here

Melanie Branch: the claw yeah the claw wouldn't it be nice I don't know it would all just it would be so fantastic but like you just want to move your body for a little bit do you know if you can't go to the gym I don't like going to the gym.

There's way too much energy there it's not it's and have to like worry about who's staring at you and being perceived and shit all the time I'm not there for it but get some weights at your house take a W A L K multiple times per week you know figure out I like to work out between three and six p m.

That's when it works best for me because then it's still enough time to like wind down and not be amped or super exhausted and you know I just don't do the really hardcore hit workouts or anything anymore it just doesn't work

Kelly Rompel: for me when I shifted from like weight training more low impact I do try to do cardio and work that into but and yoga's great but I love I like feeling strong.

So for me lifting weights is just it's what I'm into right now and you know what it's okay when that shifts because there was a while where I was just I was all yoga all the time nobody else could tell me different that's what I did and now my interests have shifted and they'll shift again so and just going along with wherever my you know wherever whatever gives me the dopamine hits.

Melanie Branch: Absolutely so my final like official question before we hit the lightning round is when we know the entrepreneurship is stressful we know it but having a job is stressful too so as a neurodivergent entrepreneur how do you factor in self care so that we can avoid that or end that cycle of burnout?

Kelly Rompel: So this is something I'm still learning if I'm 100 percent honest and I think I do better with the seasons cause for me I'm a nature girl I love to be outside and so nature walks are my thing and I'm in the Midwest so when it's cold I'm not no I will stay in my nice warm home and so my mental health is typically a lot better in the summer when I can be out and about.

So but yeah this is something I'm still working on so just to put it out there and be realistic but I I do certain things every every single day for myself I love to work out maybe five times a week four times a week I love to journal I journal every day I love to work with angel cards and then journal about the messages that I pull.

I like I said love nature and walking I think those are my my main things but I also really like hanging out with my friends and having real conversations those the friends you know the friends that like fill your battery back up like those friends and so I really like to spend time with with people that that bring me life So I'm getting better at it every day and taking time out for myself and being willing to tell my kids and my family I need a minute I'm feeling overstimulated.

I'm gonna go over here and take care of myself and we're gonna close the door and you're gonna give me some mean time and so it's I've been better about holding up those boundaries and asking for what I need and that's been really helpful

Melanie Branch: yeah listen as a psychic intuitive I'll tell you what I can read minds but it takes a lot of battery power so it's no longer my responsibility to know when somebody needs help it's their responsibility to come to me and expect that I can help them because I've been filling my own cup.

Right absolutely alright so are you ready for oh wait first of all I want you to tell everybody where they can find you on all the socials and how they can

Kelly Rompel: work with you yeah so I love hanging out on TikTok and Instagram you can find me both of those places at Kelly K-E-L-O-Y dot Rebel White Coat and also my podcast.

My podcast is really special to me I have some really cool conversation with conversations with a lot of amazing people on that and that is The Rebel White Coat podcast

Melanie Branch: yeah I've been on that podcast check it out it's a good time

Kelly Rompel: yes thank you it is a good time also my website you can find out more about me on my website wild roots genetics.com.

Melanie Branch: Yeah all right are you ready five questions lightning round don't overthink it just stream of consciousness what is your favorite social media platform duh what is the most recent rabbit hole you've gone down

Kelly Rompel: supporting adrenal health and fasting

Melanie Branch: oh so are the adrenal mocktails

Kelly Rompel: any good I have not tried.

Well so I I have not made any adrenal mocktails but I have definitely experimented with different adrenal support supplements so I'm kind of going down that pathway right now and it's really interesting

Melanie Branch: you know I'm the supplement queen any supplements I may have heard of to support

Kelly Rompel: your adrenals I love the daytime HPA.

That's one of my favorites and I actually keep it on my desk it's right here daytime HPA it's a blend of it's a beautiful blend holy basil rhodiola ashwagandha great for supporting your adrenals and keeping those cortisol levels balanced

Melanie Branch: excellent I love rhodiola rhodiola has been a real real game changer for me.

Absolutely all right number three what is your favorite emotional support show or movie like what do you watch when you cannot take on any new emotional challenges

Kelly Rompel: no judgment I love trash reality TV so Vanderpump Rules and Real Housewives oh my gosh is Vanderpump not so wild right now I mean it is I've watched it from the very beginning.

So like but this season has just gotten like every Wednesday I'm like when's it Wednesday you know like I just can't wait yeah so much fun yeah yeah

Melanie Branch: yeah yeah who's your who who is your spirit animal on Vanderpump Rules

Kelly Rompel: I absolutely love how unhinged James is he makes me laugh so hard he's so unfiltered and I just appreciate that so much and I just giggle at him.

He's just fantastic to me

Melanie Branch: yeah he's great I I have to tell you deep inside like Inner Melanie wants to be Lala like I love my big hoops I love the makeup look I love all that but I still you know I'm a Taurus I'm not a Scorpio you know Like I want to be cool but like the only reason that I am cool is because like I'm not cool So it's like everybody knows what you're getting with me though.

I would love to walk that line but it's just not there but James Absolutely I love him I was actually a little disappointed by this most recent episode because I thought we were going to like see a lot

Kelly Rompel: more Yeah well I think next week is gonna be wild so

Melanie Branch: yeah I just don't understand time anymore so if next week is the episode where she's screaming at him like I don't care!

Then I'm gonna watch it four times I think it is okay I'm ready for it I never liked that guy he's just the worst both of the Toms they can kick rocks and flip flops they're the fucking worst okay fourth question two parter have you consumed any water today yes and do you want to share your emotional support cup with the audience?

Kelly Rompel: Oh my gosh yes it is a giant oh wow and you know what my favorite part about this I need a new one look at the paints like coming off of it but I just set my supplements on the top of this lid there's like a nice groove in there and I just like leave them there because it forces me to take my supplements because if I don't they're going to fall off.

So it's another way that I trick myself into getting something done

Melanie Branch: yeah just the tip just start you just gotta take a few and then watch what happens alright last question what is your current dopamine snack or meal

Kelly Rompel: okay this is funny so I hopped on a TikTok trend and I don't know if you've seen it but lately it's been trending it's it's little mini bell peppers.

And cucumbers now this is way healthier than like my typical like dopamine snack like I'm more like I want some Oreos type thing right or some cookies but I will tell you this freaking salad or whatever you want to call it this concoction it like my mouth's watering it's so good so it's bell peppers cucumbers ginger dressing red pepper flakes and everything but the bagel seasoning.

Have you seen that

Melanie Branch: no but those all sound

Kelly Rompel: fantastic it's so good and I don't even like I've never been a person who likes ginger and all of a sudden I'm putting that shit on everything so it's good it's a nice crunchy snack too so

Melanie Branch: I love ginger dressing I am getting ready to branch out I bought a couple cucumbers the other day and of course now I'm gonna have to use them or they're gonna go bad.

Never buy fresh produce without a fucking plan you'd think I'd learn by now I'm thinking because I'm I know we always we're just like oh future me is going to be so healthy but what I'm going to do because I'm getting on this cottage cheese kick ugh however willingly or unwillingly I'm going to cut the cucumbers in half I'm going to scoop out the seeds because the seeds is where the the Gas resides if you know what I mean so I'm gonna scoop out the seeds and then I'm gonna put ricotta in there and Some sort of like I don't know I don't I don't typically use everything but the bagel seasoning because it gets a little too salty for me But I'm gonna put like some black sesame seeds on there.

Maybe some poppy seeds maybe a little garlic I'm gonna I'm gonna go to town on that and I'm gonna Document it for everybody probably on my Instagram stories cuz it in my brain it sounds fantastic

Kelly Rompel: let me know I'll try anything

Melanie Branch: I'll let you know absolutely

Kelly Rompel: yeah but I'm kind of curious yeah! I'm kind of curious about this ginger dressing though because when it went viral on TikTok like you I can't find that shit anywhere right right about now.

So that's the downside

Melanie Branch: the one that's in are you talking about the one that's in the fridge section by like the blue cheese and everything everyone's buying that that's good it's good yeah it's good luckily I've known about that dressing for a very long time as my mom lived in Taiwan for a small portion of her life and my old neighbor lived in I forget what part probably Japan or something like that.

So they taught me about that shit a long time ago good delicious stuff I bet you

Kelly Rompel: can make it on your own I bet I couldn't actually just try it out there's a there's I believe it's the Bragg's brand like the apple cider vinegar brand that they make ginger dressing Yeah I just tried that this week because it's more of an olive oil base but so it's a little healthier It's not as good.

It's not as good but it'll do that it'll do the trick until I can get the other stuff again

Melanie Branch: Yeah absolutely oh I want to thank you so much Kelly for being on the show today I know everybody listening got such tremendous value from listening to us back

Kelly Rompel: along yes of course thanks for having me truly appreciate you.

Melanie Branch: Absolutely everybody go follow her and I love you all equally and for different reasons and we'll talk soon okay bye!

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