Episode #027 — Coach Goose’s Secrets to Success

In this inspiring episode of Trailblazers Rising, Melanie sits down with the renowned Coach Goose. Known for his dynamic approach to business coaching and his impact on neurodivergent entrepreneurs, Coach Goose shares invaluable insights into achieving sustainable success.

Listeners will discover Coach Goose's unique strategies that blend mindset coaching with practical business acumen. He emphasizes the importance of understanding one's neurodiversity as a strength and leveraging it in entrepreneurial ventures.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to embrace your neurodiversity as an entrepreneurial asset.
  • Discover Coach Goose's effective strategies for sustainable business growth.
  • Gain insights into balancing mindset and practical business skills.
  • Understand the importance of self-awareness in your entrepreneurial journey.
  • Explore Coach Goose's approach to overcoming challenges unique to neurodivergent entrepreneurs.

Coach Goose's Bio

Coach Goose, a trailblazer in the world of business coaching, has made a significant impact on entrepreneurs, especially those who are neurodivergent. With a focus on leveraging individual strengths and incorporating sustainable strategies, he has helped numerous entrepreneurs achieve their goals while maintaining a balanced approach to business and personal growth.

His presence on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, under the handle @thecoachgoose, has allowed him to reach a wider audience, offering snippets of his coaching philosophy and engaging with a community of aspiring business leaders.

In This Episode...

  • Coach Goose discusses the intersection of neurodiversity and entrepreneurship.
  • Learn about the balance between mindset and skill in business growth.
  • Insights into unique challenges and strengths of neurodivergent entrepreneurs.
  • Strategies for maintaining personal well-being while growing your business.
  • Coach Goose shares real-life examples and success stories.

Links & Resources Mentioned…

View Full Transcript

Melanie Branch: Hello and welcome to another episode of Trailblazers Rising I am your host Melanie Branch and I am so excited to bring to you this lovely human that I have been following on social media for a short period of time now and we are mutuals coach Goose tell everybody hello who you are where you're from give it give them everything you got.

Coach Goose: Hello hello all right we're from San Luis Missouri area on the aisle side I am a Self leadership coach so what that means is that or at least the way that I've termed it is that primarily what I teach people to do is I teach them how to stop taking life so seriously and stop being controlled by the uncontrollable like all of my guiding principles everything to do with my coaching is about acceptance and creation and also creating clarity which seems like like if you're in the coaching space that seems like a super basic thing.

But you know being a therapist having been a therapist for 4 years what I see is yeah that it's like really weird people don't know like what they like what their desires are you know how what they want to create out of life they're just they're just coasting and they're just enduring so I hope people to stop enduring and start creating outcomes that actually make sense for themselves and lead in their life because my you know so I have a degree a bachelor's degree in philosophy and that's probably actually more my bent is the philosophical proceeds.

And I believe that we're all being controlled like I'm obsessed with power and control I believe we're all being controlled by something we're being controlled by our habits are being controlled by you know media conditioning parental conditioning societal conditioning you know what our spouses expect you know what our kids expect you know whatever it might be that we're being controlled by these expectations.

So to be unaware and to not be conscious of how we're guided and how our motivations are tied to certain actions I think is that's that's pretty much the tragedy of life so that's what I help people to do is to get very intentional about what's guiding their lives and are they actually in control of their lives?

Because I think everybody consciously you know we're only operating with like 20 percent of our consciousness so I think everybody would say oh yeah I'm in charge of my life you know I'm making decisions for me but it's like okay so you know why is there so much despair and disappointment and unhappiness?

And I don't I don't I don't really like happiness I don't think that's a super achievable goal but you know just just in general like there's so much disappointment and and so much dissatisfaction and I want to I want to help be a part of that

Melanie Branch: I'll raise you one happiness is an achievable goal if you let go of how it has to

Coach Goose: happen.

The expectation there exactly exactly so and and that's that's what I'm I'm really all about also is the expectation management that that's what Low Trip Lifestyle is essentially it's like how do you because if you're if you have expectations then your emotions are tied to that then that's something controlling you.

We have all of these little ties that's what I'm all about is consciousness is investigating all those little ties and what's what's sitting between you and the call you know the calm and the consciousness you know within that that observer seat of space

Melanie Branch: so I'm sure that you use social media almost as often as I do.

It's for work but there's a huge movement going around on social media about all of those topics and you know our conditioning and sometimes it gets a bad rap with the whole idea of like lucky girl syndrome and like you know 20 years ago when the gift came out or the secret it was the secret not the gift.

That's a totally different book I was like is there another one but like There's a real oversimplification that get that is a narrative out there that it's like well you can be happy and you can live a low trip low demand easier lifestyle but that means you got to let go of not only those expectations but also of like.

What the fuck other people

Coach Goose: think of you too yeah and that's the main one like that's the main one is deepening that self connection and a deeper connection that's what and again everybody like thinks this stuff consciously like it sounds like okay well yeah you have to be connected to yourselves but we're not.

We're not trained that way I mean if you get into you know which I won't get into like conspiracies and stuff but if you get into like the media you know Get in the conspiracies! You know but the media just as a whole does not benefit from you generating your own self worth right like if you can buy your worth if it's in the car the new barbecue grill or You know I kind of live out in the country you know I work rule you know I kind of sometimes that comes out.

So you know it's like the new tractor out here you know it's the new mini bike out here the new 4 wheeler the new boat you know river toys it's all this stuff and if you can if you if you value yourself you know then all of these companies are not going to be able to make any money off of you and I'm not going to say that I'm not materialistic.

I'm plenty materialistic but I'm always conscious like that's a weakness of mine I'm always conscious of you know okay like I bought a 170 pair of sunglasses did I buy them because I like the quality or do I want that to say something about me and if it does if I wanted to say something about me then I need to do some work because I'm not in a good place.

That was an impulse by and I need to reflect and reframe so you know it's a it's a conscious thing all the time like you know me being a coach isn't me at all saying I'm perfect at any of this I developed low trip lifestyle for myself and it's a practice unless I revise it that I plan to continue until I die because.

Yeah those four tenants are they have to be used creatively so the four tenants are unconditional love and I just did a podcast on that but unconditional love detachment authenticity and acting when necessary which I really think speaks to some of the stuff that the secret gets like a background for because it's like you can't just wait for a million dollars to fall out of the sky.

But anyway in certain situations so those those four tenants are to be used in any and all situations at all points of time like from the little stuff like I had to use it this morning to like Obviously you know the larger life challenges but sometimes you have to use one of those tenants more than the other.

Sometimes you have to figure out okay how can I equalize this or sometimes acting when necessary that the implication with that also is that there are times where there's no actually necessary so then what comes there is back to the unconditional love of the acceptance and then detachment of the situation.

Okay how do I process and cope with this thing it's happening that I can't do anything about that I don't like

Melanie Branch: yeah you know this keeps coming across my FYP the concept that if being busy has always been your coping mechanism and performing and being productive has always been how you proved your worth.

Feeling calm will

Coach Goose: feel unsafe yeah and I come from that school definitely definitely I relate with that a lot

Melanie Branch: yeah I remember and we talked about this at the Neuro Spicy Academy all the time too when I reflect back on the life that I was living just a few years ago when I was still working at a very busy restaurant.

You know my kids were younger they're teenagers now my husband's in the Navy so he's in and out in and out in and out right a lot more home recently with his orders you know at the beginning of our marriage 15 years ago but the the trauma drive that was keeping me in the ability to wake up at 6am get my kids off to school get to the gym work out for an hour and a half.

Go out for lunch with a girlfriend go home and do schoolwork cause I was getting my degree in business management and then go to work at five o'clock in the afternoon until 10 PM then go out to eat or go get drinks with the girls after fucking work go home at one 1am and then Washington speed the next day.

Now I can't even go to Walmart and Target

Coach Goose: in the same day yeah that's too much that's

Melanie Branch: And so when we think about like how and we all have this internalized ableism right oh my gosh people have internalized ableism especially if you I can speak for myself as a white woman who comes from a definite level of privilege and I'm very thankful for it and I acknowledge it all the time.

I have so much internalized ableism of like you don't really need a nap oh you don't really need to do this you don't really and it's like yes I actually do oh I really do need this why do I treat myself like this right that perfectionism that gets placed on us and the human giver syndrome that gets conditioned into our every fiber of our being.

So how do you use those tenets to go about reframing and rewiring that part of our for me

Coach Goose: the biggest one concerning those things is the unconditional love and the I mean probably all of them they probably all apply you know the authenticity to to be able to feel cause I'll deny my own feelings a lot with the ableism or

Melanie Branch: just not feel them or I'm an Aquarius moon.

I'd rather talk about them but I don't want to

Coach Goose: see I'm a cancer so I'm turbulent oh my gosh I'm so emotional all the time so I don't have too much

Melanie Branch: is your birthday did you just have it or are you is it coming up

Coach Goose: oh happy almost I actually don't talk about it because 1 of my favorite things as of the last few years is to have no 1 know about it.

So I can just have a day of silence because the happy birthdays would come in and like that's an accommodation for me it would overwhelm me and then I would have a bad day and then I'm like I'm not enjoying my birthday because of text messages so now I just don't tell anyone now it's not on my like private social media.

It's like no one knows when I was born and I'm fine with that

Melanie Branch: I used to I've been doing that now since about 2020 so 2020 was a really impactful year for me my mom died after her 18 month battle with stage forehead and neck cancer in April of 2020 so like the world shuts down and then I have to you know strong arm me and my dad and my sister into the ER and whatnot on her last day and all this other and you know getting her and I it was.

It was impactful for me but it was impactful for everybody else and I I do notice that for everyone but that's when I started to be like wait wait why am I doing all of this do I like any of this am I happy doing all of this what role do I really need to play what do I what what's going on right?

And then huge wild spiritual awakening ensued and I was like Oh Right I've been working on mindset for a while since before all of this but it really all connected and came together what was your origination point of like holy shit I got to help people with

Coach Goose: this okay so we mean you're talking about past lives before the the before this.

And I'm a so my my life path I'm a master number 11 and I just found that out like a few months ago but I I've always been this way like since I was a kid I've been like abnormally I mean honestly painfully so I mean I I'm into the darker philosophy I'm into darker things I went to I went through you know an addiction.

For I don't know 10 years or so on and off cocaine and alcohol you know and it was part of my you know philosopher brooding you know Nietzsche Heidegger and all this stuff so I've always I've always been like I started listening to the doors and music I'll say this because this is part of this answer.

I've learned more from music than so I pretty much raised myself you know I was the oldest kid and parents are divorced and music has taught me more than any degree education any other individual any,


Melanie Branch: can't hear you anymore.

My thing was just catching up

Coach Goose: yeah I'm here yeah I'm here purpose of pain i you know my mom was super highly reactive and and just you know really OCD about everything like probably like is diagnosed no CD I wonder if she's like on the spectrum because this stuff's got to be genetic so you know I wonder if she was you know really you know she had a lot of trauma and was just living it rough and and put a lot of pressure on me.

So and I just would look at her and be like why are you so crazy like what is like what is going on what is happening you know where you are so upset that's so urgent yeah I've just always been just kind of you know low and slow type you know not not apathetic but just I don't know so this this urge to help people and and to and to be a part of that world like currently I work as a as a therapist as a counselor and you know depending on the state or whatever different people have different terms for it.

But i you know that's just 1 healing modality you know I actually think psychology by itself is very limiting so I can do that as a job but I love I love writing I love talking I love coaching I'd probably get into you know some some energetic probably hand work you know later on once I have time to learn and figure out what that is.

So I love all of it always have

Melanie Branch: you know as an energy healer who and who is also a psychic and I'm a mindset coach and I'm so many things but really what I do is I just I help you get out of your own way right so I in all of my sessions with clients whether they're a longterm six month there or it's just a one on one 90 minute breakthrough boost session I'm getting fed information from my spirit guides about where to go where to touch what to ask about because.

One of the most specific things my spirit guides always say is that I can't tell you this thing and tell you this is what's going to work I have to get you to say it yourself

Coach Goose: my spirit guides have told me to ask the question like to get a specific

Melanie Branch: you have to ask the question so people can realize it on their own especially since I only deal with neurodivergent women and we have so much demand aversion that we may not even know about.

Like I am I have the persistent drive for autonomy being type of autism but what I really believe they're going to start realizing if if if they start doing some research anytime soon it would be fantastic all of us women in our thirties forties and fifties would greatly appreciate it whatever but the more research that they do the more they're realizing how much of an umbrella.

All of the neurodivergences and how there's just so many different presentations of all of these different kinds that I'm like I just identify as neurospicy I know that I have ADHD I know I'm autistic with a PDA profile I know I have CPTSD I know I have PMDD I know I have comorbidities like PCOS and Ehlers Danlos syndrome and like I can list out all of my alphabet soup diagnoses dyslexia and dyscalculia are new for me to understand that I have and.

When I'm able to list all those out I start gaslighting myself being like no you don't there's no fucking way you have there's no reason you have there's no way you have endometriosis and PCOS and your periods are like there's no way you're just exaggerating it and I'm like who benefits from me thinking that?

No one yeah

Coach Goose: yeah

Melanie Branch: no one no one but we are so conditioned by every aspect externally of our environment from the moment we're raised you're okay

Coach Goose: you're fine like I mean at least around here you know it's basically like you have to be I've noticed that you can walk in and get like any pill you want to if you're like you know elderly like if you're dying you know and I'm like those are people that they probably need more holistic care.

They probably need you know something that's not pills but anything else you know it's just like you're lying or you have anxiety so that can be that can that helps you gaslight yourself where it's like okay I guess I've been to five different specialists and they have the degrees and I won't get into all that.

You know there's there's good people in every profession I

Melanie Branch: read it's hard it's hard there's a there's a study that they did on Ehlers Danlos syndrome and it took on average men three years to get diagnosed with it and it took women 12 years to

Coach Goose: get diagnosed wow that is 4 times God

Melanie Branch: so we we believe from the research that we have that it affects women at a disproportionate rate than men.

Perfect perfect but you know it's all psychosomatic for us it's not our body actually breaking down right but fun fact for everybody listening if you do believe that you have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos or any other sort of connective tissue disorder do the research into taking Jell O to help.

Did you know so to everybody listening and this is going to really piss off the expensive collagen people Jell O is cheap easy collagen and you can go on Amazon and you can order an unflavored big old thing of Jell O I put it on my dog food to help them with their creaky old joints because they're only 11 and 10 and I told them they have to live for as long as the Guinness Book World Record dog and that's 31.

So we got 20 here! They got some pounds they got some freshness they got some time we better lubricate those joints but like seriously when you when I realized a few years ago that research and knowledge is my special interest and then it took a turn into holistic lifestyle research and knowledge and I went alright let's go because I just want to know if it's interesting to me I want to know everything about it I just want to know everything about it and I was always shamed for that and been told oh you're a know it all and it's like no you're Maybe I just know it all bitch.

And you can you can bet that I'm not going to speak on topics that I'm not privy to if I if I haven't done the research I'll just go what do you

Coach Goose: know about it I don't know go ahead yeah yeah I was called a chatterbox growing up and a question master cause I cause I do I always have like that's what makes me a great therapist counselor whatever is that I'm I always have another question.

I will take anything and make a question out of it.

Melanie Branch: Absolutely so you took the dive into coaching and I know a lot I have a lot of clients that are therapists and a coach and I love that we're finally bridging the gap between and like working together from the mental health side and from the coaching side right because as long as you're trauma informed as long as you're coming from the heart as long as you know exactly who to help like I know I can't help a Trump supporting man.

That's not right but I damn well know I can help a woman who is looking for holistic support and answers to her neurodivergent needs so that she can reach that next level in her business without all the self sabotage and the self doubt and the imposter syndrome right so as a coach what are some of your favorite things to do with your clients?

Like for me it is the aha moment I love when you're in the session and they go oh and the whole energy just shifts and you go okay yeah there it is they got it is that the same for being a therapist and a coach is it the same

Coach Goose: feeling I think I'm a really unconventional therapist and I just kind of know that just from like talking to my other therapist friends.

'cause I'm very I'm very action oriented which really comes from the coaching space it's like we have to and pretty much all my I mean all my therapy clients get probably you know 50 to probably 60 percent unless they are I mean really really going through something traumatic but even so you know even then I'm like okay well is there something we can do today?

I'm about the do it now there is a lot of you know like when the humanistic psychology movement came out in the sixties you know there was all this this research done about the fact that you know like simply just talk I've actually been criticized for this it's simply just talking out your problems actually does a lot of the healing in itself.

And I have always had a really hard time agreeing with that I think it has some value but I think prolonged over time if it doesn't end up doing more damage it just creates a lot of stagnation and and I've even you know I you know I have a very transparent relationship with my clients so you know I tell them like negative feedback is welcome.

You know tell me where you're at what you're doing and what's working what's not working and some of them do get to a point where they're like okay well I don't really you know I have talk through it I worked through it you know I got my skills I'm doing okay life is stable like you know what else am I supposed to be doing here?

And I'm like nothing like that's it's time to close yeah yeah yeah that's that's it and therapy is not really like that therapy you know depending on where you're at and how you're informed I don't I did not get the L c p c l s w l whatever whatever I just have a master's in psychology it's actually a master's in positive psychology.

Okay and it has an I have a side emphasis in life coaching so because I did not plan to get deeper into this as I said this is just a modality this is a way of healing I did not want to get specialized and get locked into licensing and having to keep stuff up and everything because this is you know I really just got the degree because I was as you said I'm not information.

I was just curious about it I like psychology I get degrees because I want degrees and I don't care about debt I'm a frivolous academic stander so with positive psychology I mean

Melanie Branch: we need them yes we need that we need the the scholars you know well with

Coach Goose: positive psychology the so I guess one of the main premises is that the absence of symptomology is not the presence of wellness.

And that is what drives everything that I do the

Melanie Branch: hold on the

Coach Goose: absence the absence of symptomology of

Melanie Branch: symptoms

Coach Goose: symptomology is not the presence of wellness does not

Melanie Branch: mean.

Oh my nipples got hard

Coach Goose: good good I have to write it down

Melanie Branch: the absence of symptomology is not the presence

Coach Goose: of wellness yeah so that's positive that's positive psychology 101 so positive psychology is different than like all this other you know which I'm not bashing it but it's different from everything else.

It's super new school like super like last 30 years and he didn't found it but he kind of like spearheaded the movement basically but you know it's looking at the fact that okay like because he said you know he gave a keynote speech in like 1999 at the I think he was a president of the time and he gave a speech and he's like you're not just spending the last 30 years.

Making miserable people less miserable you know doing a lot of these psychoanalysis and doing a lot of the CBT and he's like you know I was making miserable people less miserable he's like so I got really interested in like what creates a mentally well person so like that's that's what I've studied.

That's what low trip lifestyle is because I actually have a hard time with niching right like I do have kind of a niche you know you are your own 1st client right so I was I'm one and unfocused creative or was or am working through you know whatever you know who's healed but you know healing unfocused creative and you know overworked overachiever.

Those are my 2 2 kind of major flaws that I'm continuing to work through and enhancing getting better every day so those are 2 populations I can work really well with basically people that have no control or a little control unfocused creatives and people that are controlling everything you know like the the overachieving part of things.

But really so those are kind of issues I guess like I do make content that is directed at those populations because I've I know those specific struggles but you know really low trip lifestyle I mean it is somebody that you know if you're dealing with the call them the 5 So I think it's hopefully I can name them.

All right it's a disappointment distraction dish okay no I got in here all right distraction dissatisfaction disappointment destruction and dysfunction so if you're dealing with any of those you know life is not a good time for you you know low trip lifestyle will help but I also created low trip lifestyle these 4 tenets to help anybody at any stage of where they're at.

I'm obsessed with like wellness and just because you might not be doing you know every just because everything's not falling apart or that you're in immediate need of a coach right now doesn't mean that there aren't things to learn about enhancing this experience that you have on earth

Melanie Branch: yeah oh my God it's really so when we think about and this is conversations that have just been permeating every aspect of my life when we think about the absence of symptoms.

Right so I am a firm believer in improving my negative neurospicy symptoms like you know mood issues because we can be emotionally volatile I'm a very kind of high strung person even as I am re regulating and rewiring my nervous system and that comes from hypervigilance PTSD being super sensitive as an autistic ADHD person so my nervous system is just picking up on all the things.

I wish I wouldn't pick it up on most of this shit bitch I didn't want to hear the tapping of the fan in the living room I want to hear that this doesn't fucking help me but like really taking the holistic lifestyle approach of what can I do to feel my best I know which vitamins and supplements to take on a low energy day to turn it either into a medium energy day and I can get shit done or it's gonna prove this is a low energy day bitch go lay the fuck down we didn't give you any go go juice you gotta calm your tits and chill out a little bit.

And then like what to eat to make myself feel better listen protein if you are a woman or an AFAB human being or probably and who knows I don't I'm just not very well educated in that sector protein is so important oh and for all my LGBTQI plus anybody just listen just up your protein intake little by little and up your fiber intake little by little and watch watch the changes right?

So like I will admit I love a carb I'm not gonna lie and I am a diet soda fanatic I'm not proud of it but I'm not gonna lie about it alright I love Diet Dr pepper and I love Diet Orange Soda that's just my thing I can't help you guys but I I make sure that it's balanced right so you're not going to be able to live a completely toxin free life.

You're not going to be able to live a completely demand free life right there are still going to be things that trip you up but it's your ability to live a holistic lifestyle where your nervous system is regulated and your mindset is in the right place where instead of thinking the world's out to get you and instead of assuming you know when somebody cuts you off in traffic instead of assuming that that's just a dickhead person.

Maybe they're doing their best like I'm doing my best and they made a fucking mistake

Coach Goose: I love stuff like that like stuff like that is what Michael Singer has called like low hanging fruit of letting go like that like traffic and the weather are what I really like to get started with on people because especially around here like around here you know the weather changes every day.

Everybody seems to you know I mean they were just born yesterday they have no idea that we live in the Midwest and it changes every day they cannot fathom that the temperature is different you know and it truly but I watched socially I mean it drives moods it drives I know there's research about seasonal things and that but I'm like but we cannot decide to be happy only when the sun comes out.

I'm like that is such a limiting restrictive lifestyle we can't I mean people and then you know in Illinois you know where I'm at it's like I mean I could go off on this because it's something I've noticed since I was a kid you know when it's hot it's too hot when it's cold it's too cold and even as a kid I it registered to me that I'm like we have to have some level of acceptance and tolerance for the sun.

Like we can't do anything about the sun we've got to live with that or move or move or take some initiative at when necessary that's tenet four or move so but stuff like that is long hanging fruit but it's like it's okay you know that that we do get you know tripped up about these types of things but we have to recognize that and come to an understanding.

It's like okay like do I want the sun to control how I feel totally at least totally for today or at least for periods of time or every day it's too hot or it's too cold or it's too this or there's too much wind or there you know do I do I want my entire day to be dictated by something that I have that I can't even touch.

Melanie Branch: Yep you know you really I I teach people all the time that your energy is your power right and so you have to do everything in your ability to keep your energy as good as possible and that doesn't mean you're not gonna have a low energy day and you're not gonna have a high energy day but it means on my low energy days I'm going to honor it with rest good shows Good food limited you know responsibility or or demand or drive from my business my family myself whatever it is.

It's like let's accommodate where we're at instead of trying to push through and then on a high energy day it's appreciating what I'm able to get done and how I'm able to feel while I do it and not expect that I'm going to have to do it again the next day cause where I got tripped up my entire fucking adult life was.

Thinking every day had to be that high energy high output day and then when I woke up and I didn't have it I was like I have to be like this this is the only way that I'm good and this is the only way people like me and now I'm like let's wake up and see how we feel you know

Coach Goose: honestly and I I'm not a recovery coach but it does because it's just such a large part of my story.

It's something that comes up is that exactly what you said was why I was so hopped up on Coke like I loved cocaine because it ensured and I was a teenager doing it so you're not alone in that! I was a teenager doing it so it didn't have I mean honestly when I got off it I I'm really lucky that it happened between like the ages of 15 18 and I had a minor relapse at 20.

It was like a one or two time thing so really 15 18 I'm lucky it was happening when I was so young because that would have been devastating later on I mean my body basically just bounced back I didn't really go through withdraws you know I just loved it I was like I can go I can do this every day.

I didn't realize that I needed any accommodations that it wasn't that that's not normal that I should not be expecting that on myself and I was in A million sports and band and this and that and the honors classes and oh my God you have to do all this stuff to prove my worth and you know so I'll get into a good college and people will like me you know just all this all this really toxic negative thinking but exactly what you said even you know it drove my drug addiction.

And it's weird kind of hearing it outside of that you know addiction community for somebody to talk about you know what like why people especially nervous spicy people might turn to that as an option and without it being you know like you didn't turn to drugs obviously but you know it it happens.

Melanie Branch: Oh I did plenty of DRUGS in my day I don't know why I'm telling you like my kids if they listening they know all about my modern history but yeah this isn't going on TikTok we'll be all right but from from 15 to 20 basically I got married when I was 20 so it all kind of stopped they removed cross country and all your connects are gone.

But from 15 to 20 I'll tell you if it were ecstasy I was taking it if it was coke I was on it if it was drinking I was doing it if it was smoking ciggies I was doing it if it was smoking weed I was doing it if you look back and see

Coach Goose: that any of that was like partially like regulating or trying to keep up with all of this.

I was a

Melanie Branch: 30 year old girl running around in a 15 to 20 year old body I tell you what and now I'm 37 and I want to be treated like a 14 year old that's just trying to figure it all out and do her best but like absolutely and alcohol especially so I quit drinking in November of this past year so November 2020 I literally kind of woke up one day and went.

This doesn't serve me anymore I don't like blacking out I don't like being hung over and it is literally like every sign has been pointing me in the direction of let's let this go it doesn't serve us anymore let's appreciate you know the fact that we came from a family of alcoholics and this is really all we knew.

And then I started realizing alcohol which I partook in and pretty much every day right like the I'm not proud of it but it was absolutely my coping mechanism to be around people that were too loud the speakers were too much but like I was alive for the motherfucking party because I had to drink to be around it.

Coach Goose: Yeah no I didn't when I walked in the party didn't start until I got there and I'm a DJ too you know so that yeah I'm I'm with you yeah

Melanie Branch: absolutely and now it's like wait maybe if I am selective about who I'm around so I'm only spending physical time with people who light me up and if I make sure that I factor in transition time and rest time right?

Like I went out my husband and I went out to lunch with a couple friend of ours and when we came back you know we were only together three three and a half hours but when we came back I was like okay well I have to rest now because I have some more work I have to do later tonight I ended up being in the bed for

Coach Goose: the rest of the day.

Yeah it's real I plan social activity per weekend and I take every other weekend off and I don't even know like how I have friends like I don't talk to anyone I don't know why I keep getting invited to things and I keep going and it just keeps you know but but I'm very selective and I block out time because.

It's like we had there was a situation we couldn't avoid it me and my wife and we had to do it was a Friday night and then a Saturday morning and oh my gosh Sunday like I felt like I got hit by a bus like emotionally and physically and I'm like like did I go work out like what is happening huh.

Melanie Branch: Yeah yeah yeah absolutely it's so much I mean if everything is energy and if everybody is trying their best and then we understand that the more negative you are the denser your energy so the harder it is to feel good right so when I just bring it like my business partner Christine at the Neuro Spicy Academy she is what we call Woo a Joseph right?

So When I start breaking down energetic principles to her and laws of the universe and stuff to her and then start breaking down these little bio hacks essentially to get our dopamine up to make our body feel better and all this sort of stuff right so like I explained to her the reason that cold plunging and cold exposure is so fantastic to a neurodivergent brain especially a dopamine deficient one which is what we have with ADHD is that.

A cold shot of water in your shower for 10 to 30 seconds when you're getting ready to get out is going to be in it's going to be long or what's it called not instant release it's going to be extended release dopamine for the next 8 to 10 hours and it's scientifically proven so your energy is positively impacted by just 10 to 30 seconds of cold water as you're getting your ass out of the shower

Coach Goose: anyway.

Okay I'm going to cut back because yeah it's out there yeah you don't

Melanie Branch: have to do it for a long time and it's going to vary how much you can tolerate based on where you're at each day especially as

Coach Goose: a person with a fem cycle cause that's been another one I didn't beat myself up I'm like I should just be harder.

You know it's supposed to be difficult had no idea love that and

Melanie Branch: if you're really struggling this is when I found out the other day about it your back has it's like I'm not going to be able to explain this properly let me try hard your back feels differently and processes feelings differently than your front does.

So if you're on a low energy day and the cold water seems like it's going to be really fucking hard just get your back for a little bit don't get your front in it so your back like if you were to walk into cold water back first you would adjust a lot easier and a lot faster than tummy first because we have so many more like receptors on the front side right?

So like if you can't do cold water in the shower you can do cold water the most effective one is cold water and ice in a bowl and just stick your face in it but if you try and do that it's terrifying it is like you are waterboarding yourself and you literally can just go I'm not I don't need that.

Right like it's scary but I can handle some fucking cold water on my back in the shower okay yeah absolutely it's going to give me the same effect absolutely I just want to be comfortable and happy all the time I don't need this to be difficult

Coach Goose: I love small little things like that just small adjustments.

Melanie Branch: Small adjustments cause that's all we can do right like and if you catch yourself I should be able to do this that's when you can reframe it right then and there and say according to whom yeah why who said what for who benefits from me thinking that right like that's a question I ask myself all the time.

Who benefits from me thinking this yeah that's how you get to the root of all these evils that are out here in the world all right Coach Goose I know that you have a real life that you have to get back to soon so what I want to do now is I want to have you plug your motherfucking spot and tell everybody where they can find you and everything will be in the show notes too.

I'd just like to hear it direct

Coach Goose: for now hmm I don't know what do you mean by plug I don't know

Melanie Branch: tell 'em where they can find you like which social media channels and how they can work with you that sort of stuff okay

Coach Goose: so TikTok at the Coach Goose I do believe yeah it's TikTok at the Coach Goose on Instagram.

It is coach underscore goose underscores so pretty basic simple there you know DMs is pretty easy I have a I think it's I don't know the website it's going to be in the notes so that's good but I sent it to you I think it's notegoose substack com and that's where the podcast is that's where the blog is.

That's where the daily contemplation is I love that stuff I'm much more of a writer than I am a speaker so that's where a lot of my like actual thoughts and insights about things podcast is on that's what I'm most excited about that's my my wind is that the podcast is on YouTube it took a while to figure out how to do that.

I am not tech savvy to be doing digital entrepreneurship and to be computer dumb at 27 years old is not the most advantageous position to be put in but we're getting it we're getting you learn you figure it out yeah I am I am and then you know Low Trip Lifestyle Podcast is also on Spotify as well.

Melanie Branch: That is so fantastic I'm so happy to be at Mutual with you and to continue watching your meteoric rise which I know it is going to be because from the first video I saw of you my spirit guides were like right there! And I said okay I'll pay attention you got it whatever my spirit guides are very very loud about who I'm meant to work with but they'll never tell me when and they'll never tell me how.

Just gotta wait but they tell me straight up that they this is what I hear every time I'm scrolling social media And I find somebody new that my spirit guides are loud about they just go it's like I get tapped on the shoulder and they go Them and they like point and they like make it a fucking point for me to understand.

I go Okay so it's never going to be something that

Coach Goose: I question I hear that yeah they're clear and direct signs I get that Yeah

Melanie Branch: absolutely yeah hey all right so I want everybody here To make sure that you go check out CoSpin Coach Goosk did you know that I have a speech impediment oh

Coach Goose: and it comes out!

I've got this carnelian crystal with me to make sure it's a confidence crystal to make sure I didn't have a list today what what

Melanie Branch: are you talking about yes I guess it's a fair bet okay all right so everybody make sure that you check out Coach Gooch Coach Coach Goose I'll do it one of these days.

I'll get it right and I love you all equally and for different reasons take care of yourselves and do your research and we'll talk very soon okay bye.

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As a magical speaker, author, and coach, I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full potential, embrace their neurodivergent superpowers, and create a life that sparkles with magic. With years of experience navigating the business world as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges that can arise when trying to manage burnout, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm.

As an event manager or podcast host, I understand that you're looking for speakers who not only have the authority and experience to provide value to your audience, but also the empathy and understanding to meet them where they are. That's why I'm here to offer my practical, holistic approach to self-care and success, as well as my passion for creating transformational experiences that leave your audience feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take action.

Let's work together to create a magical event or podcast episode that your audience will never forget!

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